Hirmuste study trail (1.3 km)

The trail starts at Hirmuste campsite, about 1 km from the Hirmuste village and runs through an old natural forest across overgrown dunes and through the marshy alder forest. On the way back along the coast, you can admire scenic sea views. The trail is most suitable for walking.
The trail runs through Kõpu Nature Reserve in the immediate vicinity of the Hirmuste campsite and is marked with wooden signs.
The trail the life of old-growth forest, it's plant and animal species.
The trail starts and ends at the information pillar with the trail’s map, situated at the campsite. The trail takes 30 to 40 minutes to complete, the trail’s features are introduced on 6 information boards.
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Type: Trail
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GPS: 58.941417, 22.131501
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