Kärdla–Tõrvanina hiking trail (5.5 km)

The 5.5 km hiking trail is suitable for a longer walk on a day off. The trail goes in one direction and stretches through various forest and coastal ecosystems.
The trail starts at the end of Tiigi Street in Kärdla, runs along the coast from Kärdla to Tõrvanina, is marked with signs and is suitable for all seasons. Stretches of boardwalk help you across wet and boggy spots. The trail takes 2 to 3 hours to complete, and in the summer can be walked through without getting feet wet.

NB! Kärdla-Tõrvanina hiking trail is not passable by bicycles or motor vehicles.Walking on the borderland of sea and forest is highly interesting because of the constant alternation of open and closed landscape. Visitors have a chance to observe migratory birds stopping in the Kärdla bay area.
 There are 3 large information boards with the trail map, the map of RMK Hiiumaa Recreation Area and 5 information spots on the trail. The trail passes the Autobaasi campfire site, from where it is possible to walk back to Kärdla. At the end of the trail, in Tõrvanina, there’s a campfire site, a campsite, an outdoor toilet and a beautiful sandy beach.
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Type: Trail
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GPS: 59.000912, 22.725023
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