Keila-Joa Park nature trail (3 km)

Keila-Joa Park nature trail starts at the parking area, goes along the riverbank, passes the waterfall to the corner of the park closest to the sea, and then returns to the parking area.  All in all, it makes a 2-3 hour walk in a unique park forest.
Keila-Joa park is a popular destination among brides and grooms. It was a custom to attach padlock to the suspension bridge to symbolize the commitment to each other.
In 2013 the stairways and suspension bridges were renovated and the padlocks removed. This was due to the padlocks causing rusting on the bridges.
In 2015 the hearts sculpture by Estonian artist Mati Karmin was opened. The sculpture will be finished as new padlocks symbolizing commitment and everlasting love are gradually added to the construction.
Keila-Joa waterfall, Keila-Joa Manor, old manor park, former hydroelectric power station, park forest
The loop trail runs along the bank of the Keila River and through the park. At the start of the trail there is an information board with a map and general information, and along the trail there are 8 points of interest with descriptions, introducing the most interesting natural objects and the history of the Keila-Joa Park. By the trail there are benches for rest stops.
Paid parking at the start of the trail, with the parking manager’s kiosk and toilet.
More information on RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.

Overview map


Type: Trail hasn't visited
GPS: 59.393752, 24.294685
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