Kütioru hiking trail (9.6 km)

The 9.6 km trail starts at the parking area near Kütioru Alpine Skiing Centre. The trail is varied and the terrain is quite steep and difficult. This is why you should allow 4-5 hours to go through this trail. The trail has been prepared so that the hiker gets the best possible overview of Estonia’s largest and mightiest primeval valley – the Kütiorg, with former mill sites and other objects of cultural heritage. In the forests on the slopes of the Kütiorg valley there are spruce forests that are more than a century old and extraordinarily big and tall aspens.
Estonia’s largest and mightiest primeval valley, gullies, former mill sites, working flour mill, ancient sacrificial site.
The trail starts at Kütioru skiing centre and is equipped with wooden signs and information boards introducing nature and heritage. The trail is intended for walking and cycling.
More information on the RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.

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Type: Trail
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GPS: 57.78751, 27.14706
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