Lake Pühajärv hiking trail (14 km)

Lake Pühajärv hiking trail is a 14 km trail designed for walkers. This hiking trail offers the best way to get familiar with Lake Pühajärv and its surrounds. Natural objects near the trail: Lake Pühajärv, Armuallikas (the Spring of Love), head of the Väike-Emajõgi river, Koolirand, Murrumets, Pühajärve War Oak and oak stand.
Lake Pühajärv hiking trail invites you to discover the surroundings of one of Estonia’s most unique and beautiful lakes. Lake Pühajärv, Kolga farms, Love spring, Hobustemägi (“horses’ hill”), the source of the Väike-Emajõgi River, Murrumets forest, Pühajärve Sõjatamm (“war oak”).
There are 8 information boards and an observation platform. Boardwalk, bridges and stairs facilitate the hike. On the western coast of the lake in Angunina2 there is an outdoor fireplace,a picnic table and a shelter.
More information on the RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.

Overview map


Type: Trail hasn't visited
GPS: 58.042225, 26.47423
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