
Līču Laņģu klintis

The Līču-Laņģu sanstone cliffs are around one kilometer long, and a stunning place to visit.

The route is marked for around 6km, but options exist to shorten or extend your walk. Recommended to make a photo of the map on the first information board, it is detailed and good. Formerly a popular hikers area, now in 2015 a more specific route was marked in cooperation with EU and nature protection services, to protect the sandstone cliffs and nature around them.  Although on the way you will see an arrow to the Grivini picnic place, indicating only 2km distance, follow this sign only after you have seen the kilometer long sandstone cliff formation, and if you want to hike through an unmaintained forest, crossing two rivers and following GPS maps, since there are no markings or easily visible trail to follow. 

Warning! This trail is not clearly marked and is at times quite muddy. Please bring flashlights, good boots and follow maps. Do take photographs of the map information stands when you see them. 

Overview map


Type: Trail
Length: 6km
We visited: 01 May, 2021
GPS: 57.390544, 25.4170417
Accessibility: unknown or no
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