Marimetsa hiking trail (9 km)

The 9 km out-and-back trail offers a good opportunity to get acquainted with different habitats—the surface road at the start of the trail runs along a forest divide, across a meadow and through a spruce forest along the banks of the Marimetsa stream. The boardwalk at the end of the trail leads you across the fen, raised bog and transitional mire to bog pools.
Marimetsa stream, Kuresilma hill, Marimetsa fen, transitional mire, raised bog and bog pools
There is an information board with the map of Marimetsa Nature Reserve and trail map and the sign to the trail at the start of the trail. The first part of the trail (2.5 km) is partly covered with bark mulch, has DC and 3 small information boards. The boardwalk in the bog (1.94 km) has 3 rest stops and 9 small information boards. The trail also features an 7,6 m high observation tower.
More information on the RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.

Overview map


Type: Trail hasn't visited
GPS: 58.963967, 24.065672
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