Neeruti nature trail (1,5 km and 3,5 km)

There are two options for the hiker - a 1,5 km and 3,5 km circle trail. The trail runs on long eskers that are quite steep, sometimes even 45°.
The shorter trail circles Lake Neeruti Tagajärv and also goes by Lake Neeruti Eesjärv and Sadulamägi hill.
Longer circle reaches also Kiissaaegumäe Hill.
Lake Neeruti Eesjärv, Lake Neeruti Tagajärv, Sadulamägi hill and the view from eskers.
Large information board, indication
More information on RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.

Overview map


Type: Trail hasn't visited
GPS: 59.306556, 26.123484
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