Neljateeristi study trail (3 km)

A versatile one-hour trail between glacial terraces and patches of spring-fed bogs.
In Kõpu Nature Reserve on the northern coast of Kõpu peninsula, in the middle of the forest about 1 km from Mägipä village.
The trail runs along the northern coast of the Kõpu peninsula, through forests between an 8,000 years old coastal terrace and modern-day beach. Möirasoo is the name of a small calcareous spring-fed fen, about the name of which there are many legends of origin. Here you can find yews (Taxus baccata), a protected species originating in a warmer climatic period. The Mägipä erratic boulder and Süllasoo Jaanikivi rock on the beach are remnants of the Ice Age.
There are 2 large and 8 smaller information boards along the trail. Wooden arrow signs and blue ribbons mark the trail; a ladder to climb over the Mägipä erratic boulder, pier, boardwalk.
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Type: Trail hasn't visited
GPS: 58.92555, 22.22201
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