Pähni nature study trail (1.5 km)

The trail starts and ends at Pähni Visitor Centre. There are 20 points of interest along the trail. Mostly there are no well-trodden paths and you have to find your way over the pasture or through the forest. At each point visitors get directions to go on. Please read the directions carefully at each stop, so as not to get lost.
With instructions available from the Visitor Centre, it is possible to go through the programme “Study Trip on Nature Trail”
Arboretum, habitat of the northern crested newt, artificial lake.
Along the trail there are 20 points of interest. Mostly there are no well-trodden paths and you have to find your way over the pasture or through the forest. Further directions are given at each point. Please read the directions carefully at each stop, so as not to get lost.
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Type: Trail
Dodies.lv hasn't visited
GPS: 57.631807, 26.770254
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