Salevere hiking trail (1.5 km)

The 1.5 km trail runs along the ridge rising a dozen metres above the surrounding ground level. The ridge is covered with alvar forest rich in different species, the cliff towers above a nemoral forest, which is quite a rare forest type in Estonia. The trail starts on an alvar with juniper bushes, in the middle part offers you a detour to the ridge of a prehistoric defence structure, and at the end a chance to drink refreshing natural spring water.
Salumägi hill in Salevere, Silma spring, ridge of a prehistoric defence structure, nemoral forest beneath and alvar forest on the cliff.
The trail starts on a recreation site, which has a picnic table with shelter, dry toilet, information boards with maps of the trail and the area. The trail runs along a surface path and is well visible on the landscape. Beneath the cliff there is a 120 m long boardwalk and 30 m and 13 m stairs going up and down. The trail passes the Midsummer bonfire site of the Salumäe Society which maintains the trail, but this is not an official campfire site. There is a bench at the end of the trail and another at the bonfire site, and a waste bin.
More information on RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.
Overview map


Type: Trail hasn't visited
GPS: 58.69032, 23.580652
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