Seljandiku forest hut

Seljandiku forest hut stands on a glacial ridge of sand where scenic views open up. Due to such sand ridges there is a mosaic landscape here, and sharp transitions between communities. This land is also a former battlefield. In February and March 1944, battles took place in this area and on bog islands. German soldiers and the Omakaitse ('Home Guard') fought against partisans who had come across the frozen Lake Peipsi from Russia to Katase village and moved on towards Imatu and Roostoja.
Sand banks, bog, stunning vistas from the upland
Forest hut, picnic table with shelter, woodshed, dry toilet, outdoor fireplace, information board
More information on RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.
Overview map


Type: Campground hasn't visited
GPS: 59.081714, 27.262939
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