Suuremäe campsite

The campsite is situated in Ähijärve village near the visitor centre of Karula National Park. The designated parking area is next to the campsite.  The campsite leads to the lakeside parking area, which is the starting point of the 4 km Ähijärve Roads and paths trail, the 36 km Karula hiking trail and the 0.5 km long nature trail/playground for children.
Lake Ähijärv, the beauty of which can be admired on the hiking trail (starts at the campsite) and semi-natural landscapes (farms).
The campsite has a parking area, information pillar, 2 dry toilets, outdoor shower with fresh drinking water, 3 fire rings, outdoor fireplace, 3 picnic tables, 2 picnic shelters, 2 light posts with outlets, information board.
More information on the RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.
Overview map


Type: Campground hasn't visited
GPS: 57.7118, 26.5036
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