Taagepera hiking trail (5.4 km)

The total length of Taagepera hiking trail is 5.4 km. The trail starts and ends at Taagepera campfire site, which offers a possibility of camping and making campfire. Traces of beaver activity, wood ants and rich forests – with larches, firs, oaks etc. – can be seen on the trail along the Õhne river. The trail can also be completed in shorter rounds of 1.6 km and 4.0 km. More precise trail information can be found on the board.
Taagepera Manor and park, Taagepera Church and graveyard, family burial place of the local barons, "Last Kiss", a sacrificial rock, underground cemetery, Õhne river.
The trail is marked with wooden signs.
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Type: Trail
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GPS: 57.996496, 25.67184
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