Vanajõe valley study trail (1 km)

Along the trail, the river has formed particularly enchanting curves, running deep through the valley. The trail takes the hiker high up to the valley slope and then back into the bottom to cross a river curve and listen to the sound of a rapid flow.
3 km from Puski to Emmaste, on Emmaste–Puski road.
The Vanajõgi River is a geologically fascinating cold-water river, offering stunning views to four sand outcrops. The river runs in total length through pristine bogs and forests without human settlements. The mixed forest rich in species, growing in the Vanajõe valley is a fine example of the impact of natural conditions on the biota of the forest. The European mink introduced in the Hiiumaa Island has found a favourable habitat here at the Vanajõgi River.
The trail starts on the parking area. The trail is 1 km in total, a shorter loop 0.4 km. There is a large information board and 5 smaller information stands along the trail, and an extra board introducing Tihu Nature Reserve next to the parking area. The trail has a campfire site and is marked with wooden arrow signs. The trail can be passed without getting feet wet, and takes about 0.5 hours to complete. The trail runs along the banks and slopes up to 6 m high above of the most beautiful river on the Hiiumaa Island.
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Type: Trail hasn't visited
GPS: 58.88593, 22.43416
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