Selli-Sillaotsa study trail (4.7 km)

The trail starts in a pine forest at the edge of a mire. There the Suuretüki observation tower offers an excellent view on the Laeva mire. The trail continues along a boardwalk across the Laeva mire, which is well known for its good cranberry sites.
Mire, varied biota.
2 information boards, 2 shelters, 2 dry toilets, 9 small information boards, observation tower (12 m), boardwalks and wood chip-covered sections of the trail.
More information on the RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.
Overview map


Tips: taka
GPS: 58.435041, 26.268727
Garums: km nav apmeklējis
Ugunskura iespējas: nav
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