Võsu–Nõmmeveski hiking trail (18 km)

The second section of RMK Oandu–Aegviidu-Ikla Hiking Route starts on old forest paths and runs through the Võhma prehistoric village to Joaveski and Nõmmeveski waterfalls.
The trail starts on old forest paths and runs through the ancient Võhma village where traces of prehistoric settlement are still visible (Tandemäe burials). After passing the forest section, the trail leads to the Joaveski terrace and from there to the Nõmmeveski canyon and terrace.
Information boards, indication
More information on RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.
Overview map


Tips: taka
GPS: 59.567794, 25.973949
Garums: km
Dodies.lv nav apmeklējis
Ugunskura iespējas: nav
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