Saare study trail (1 km)

The most striking feature in Silma Nature Reserve is the reed beds. The Sutlepa Sea is a relict lake separated from the sea as a result of post-glacial rebound and its shores are hemmed with wide expanses of reeds. Here you can listen to the song of great reed warbler, the incessant reeling of Savi’s warbler, and the call of the Eurasian bittern, which resembles the sound of blowing in a bottle.
Lyckholm Manor and museum, coastal meadows, relict lakes
The trail is marked with wooden signs, there’s an information board and an observation deck at the start of the trail. The further observation site is 380 m from the parking area. The trail also features an 7,5 m high observation tower at the edge of the reeds.
More information on the RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.
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