Tädu nature study trail (3.5 km)

The 3.5 km hiking trail is perfect for a nice Sunday walk. The trail runs along a gravel road – suitable also for baby carriages and strollers. Information boards by the trail. At the end of the trail at a campfire site it is possible to make campfire and have a snack.
Spruces growing on rocks, erratic boulders, species-rich forests, different stages in forest management.
At the start and half-way through the trail there is an information board with a map and general information. There are 9 points of interest, 1 campfire site, a dry toilet on the trail. It takes about 1.5 to 2 hours to walk the trail at moderate speed. The trail ends at Randvere tee, where it is 800 metres along the road to the start of the trail. This forestry trail highlights different tree species and stages in forest management – what is done, how and when.
More information on RMK website. Дополнительная информация здесь.
Overview map


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